Thursday 28 August 2014

HG 1/144 Exia Repair II (Gao Gao / TT Hongli) Review Part 1

Hello again guys, today we’ll be looking at the High Grade Exia Repair II from the 2nd season of Gundam 00.

Yep, it is another kit from Gao Gao and it is a newer kit compared to Destiny Gundam. As we expected, it has a better quality than the Seed Destiny series. But of course, it has some problems. Now let’s take a look at the statistics

Model Kit Statistics
Name: Fighter Exia Repair II
Scale: 1/144
Manufacturer: Gao Gao
Price: IDR 80.000

MS Statistics
Name:  Exia Repair II
Model: GN-001REII
Overall Height: 18.3 meters
Weight: 56.9 metric tons
Armaments: GN Sword
GN Beam Saber
GN Vulcan
GN Shield


We can see the boxart is nice but it has the blue bar on the top. From my observation, the 00 kits from Gao Gao always have the bar. Gao Gao removed the original art on the top due to the copyright issue. So they replaced it using the main color of the kit, in this case is blue. Also on the side, they removed the original. Well, it only contains one plastic bag for a bunch of runners. That’s really a bad thing and I got the v-fin already off from the runner, but it’s okay though.


There are so many runners in this kit, considering the kit has no backpack. It is because we get the Repair 2 parts in one new runner and the old Exia parts are still exist. Don’t forget to clean the runners before assembly them by washing them using water to remove the dust. And yep, we got matte finish on this kit which is good. One thing I should mention for 00 kits, the clear parts on the GN Drive or Condensors, Gao Gao cannot make it well. They always have some scratches, kinda disappointing.



No big problems on the head, just a normal problem with the misshaped face mask. I used the eyes sticker but I cut it by myself because the cutting was off. I colored the sensor black with my Sharpie markers and green for the condensors on the side of the head.


Pretty nice design. Personally, I like the design of the body on the 00 kits. Be careful when assembly the yellow vents on the chest, it is hard to plug in and very sharp.


The arms are pretty good. And yep, the shoulders and the arms are different with the normal Exia which has rubbery parts I didn’t put the grey stickers on the arms. I was surprised that this kit has a few polycaps. It used many plastic to plastic joints like in the wrists.  Once again, I colored the clear parts with green Sharpie marker.


One thing I don’t like on the waist is the red part is glossy. I didn’t put the grey stickers on the front skirts. And also, the middle part on the back skirt that should be red, we need to put the sticker. I like the design of the back skirt with more thrusters.


Oh man, I forgot to take the pictures of the legs separately. The legs are pretty good and have new joints on the upper calf so it can rotate a bit.

Weapons and Accessories

A very nice GN Sword with the clear green on it. We also get the old Exia weapons such as GN long and short swords, the old GN Sword and the shield.


I used the eyes, black on the chest and side of the head. The white sticker is for the shield which I decided not to use it.


Yep, we get the Burst mode GN Drive. But we also get the normal one. :p


Exia Repair II is a pretty nice kit. We also get the old exia parts which can be used for kitbash :p
Stay tuned for the next part. 
See ya later! ;)

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