Friday 3 October 2014

HG 1/144 Gundam Exia Repair 2 (Gao Gao / TT Hongli) Review Part 2

Hello bootleg lovers, let’s continue the review to the articulation. You can see the first part of this review in HG 1/144 Exia Repair2 Gao Gao Review Part 1. I’ve made a video for this part so we can know clearly how the articulation on this kit but I will upload it later. So yeah, I took the picture from the video. So let’s start.


The head has ball joint on the upper neck and a hinge on the bottom neck so it can go up and down, rotate, and forward and back. The neck is plastic, not polycap. Unfortunately it’s a little bit loose on mine.

The yellow fin on the side of the neck can move up and down but it’s so thin, so be careful when move it.


It has a joint connected on the back on both side of the torso so the side of the chest can move forward and back and up and down a little.

The torso has no stomach joint, only rotates on the waist. Yes, it can rotate all the way around.


The arm can go up pretty high.

The arm also rotates all the way around. It rotates above the elbow but the shape of the peg on mine are not perfectly done, so when I move it too out it tends to pop off.

The elbow is on a one joint only. That’s so bad for a sword wielding Mobile Suit. The hand can rotate and wiggle. It also employed plastic to plastic joint, which on other HG is a polycap.


The front skirt moves separately but not that much. The legs can go forward not that much, because the front skirt hinders it.

The knee can bend on two joints and has a very nice separation in the armor. Not all HG kits can do this.

The legs can split that far only. It has joint separate from the waist like the old Exia but it deploy new joint on the hip like the joint on the 00 or Cherudim. So the legs can go up and down and rotate below the hip. The hip only rotates a bit because the design of the hip. So I think this joint doesn’t make any significant change in term of articulation.

The foot guard can move up and down. The foot has normal ankle joint so it can go up and down on the upper joint, and left and right and rotates on the ball joint.

So overall articulation is good on this kit. As expected on newer kit (compared to HG Gao Gao Seed Destiny line) the articulation improved a bit especially on the head, hips and arms. And also the joints are stiffer compared to Seed Destiny line although some joints like on the head are loose. So that’s it about the articulation. And you know what, the review will not be finished on this part. I will give my final verdict and scoring about this kit. So see you in the next review. :)

<< PART 1: DETAILS                                                            PART 3: SCORING >>

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