Friday 10 October 2014

HG 1/144 Infinite Justice Gundam (Gao Gao / TT Hongli) Review Part 1

Hello bootleg lovers, today we’ll be looking at the HG Infinite Justice Gundam from Seed Destiny series. This is another kit from Gao Gao and still in the older line of the HG. So this is the statistics

Model Kit Statistics
Name: Infinite Justice
Scale 1/144
Manufacturer: Gao Gao
Price: IDR 80.000


The boxart is pretty nice. We can see the gundam wielding the shield with the beam so the content should have the shield and the beam effect. And on the side we can see the front view, rear view, action pose and the weapons. Yep, this kit will have so many weapons. And as usual, the plastic bag is only one for so many runners so it might be scratched each other. And the manual is in English and Chinese.


Yep, there are so many runners in this kit. It has nice color separations. We get glossy finish on the plastic, very nice. Unfortunately the beam effects are all blue. They should be in red or pink just like on the boxart. The black runners look a little bit oily. If you look closely at the pink runner, the stomach parts already off from the runner. It’s not a flaw, I just nearly forgot to take the pictures of the runner before building it. So yeah, I already cut it XD



Personally I like the design of the head of Justice family but Gao Gao couldn’t make it well. The Vfin looks bigger so the eyes a little bit blocked. Once again, the eyes and the overall face mask is so bad. The hole for the chin is a little bit weird I think. So overall look of the face is like a sad face. The front helmet and the back can’t be joined together so I cut the pegs and glue it.


The torso is pretty nice and pretty straight forward build. Unfortunately the stickers on the right side is not cut well so I cut it by myself.


The arms is really solid. They’re a little bit plain though. The shape of the hands still look weird. And the parts separation still make a noticeable gap like on the lower arm. There is no problem on the arms


Well, the skirts can move but not all. The front skirt is connected together on a hinge so we cannot separate it. It looks plain in the front. The side skirts is very nice. Unfortunately the beam saber handle holder cannot do the job well.


The legs get improvement compared to the Destiny. It has better joint on the knee. And once again the older production shows so many gaps between two parts. Some parts like the white parts cannot hide the gap, a little bit of glue might work.


The backpack has different color with the main MS. It has wine purple, white, grey, black and some stickers. Yes, the purple on the wings are stickers. It has beam effects on the wings, pretty cool

Weapons and Accessories

Well, the weapons mainly dominated with beams. Unfortunately they’re on blue. The rifle has movable scope and the shield can produce beam as a shield and sword. If we count the backpack as a weapon, so it would be the best weapon. It has cannon and beam on it.


The stickers are not that good. They stick but some of the cutting are off.


Very nice looking MS. The design is dominated with sharp edges which is very nice.


So yeah, this kit is good enough for an old kit. It has so many weapons. How about the articulation? If you’re curious, stay tuned for the part 2. Feel free to comment and see you in the next review.

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