Tuesday 26 August 2014

The First Post

Hello guys, since this is my first blog post, I'd like to introduce myself and what will this blog share.
I am Zastie Xeonide. You can call me Zastie. Of course, it is not my real name. I'm from Indonesia. So I apologize if my english is not that good because it's not my mother's language. I sit in a university now and i've got a new hobby, that is Gunpla. But because I'm still new, I decided to choose the Bootleg ones. The reason is the price is much cheaper than the original. But of course, the price comes with the quality. the plastic quality is not as good as the original. The plastic is sturdier but not flexible so it suits for repainting experiments. Some aspects that distinguish the original and the bootleg from my observations are the plastic quality, the edges, the panel lines, the stickers and the x-factor . The plastic quality is already discussed above. The most seen difference is the edges and the panel line. On the bootleg kits, the edges are not as sharp as the Bandai ones. The panel lines and other little detailing sometimes are not intact on the bootleg kits and the panel lines always wider than the Bandai ones. And for the stickers, some bootleg companies give bad stickers. X-factor always comes in the bootleg kits, what I meant is the luck. You might get different face masks from the same kits in the same shop. So, if you are lucky you may get a good shaped face mask.

This blog will be my media to give some information about the kits I bought and some work in progress(WIP) for my custom kits. My review will be divided into 2 parts, the first is the straight build without any modification in the visible area, which means I just do the snapfit, not more. So, what you will see in this part is the original look from the kits. And the second part, I will post the articulations review and the modified kits.

Because I'm new in Gunpla, I tried to build the High Grades first. Some people say that the Bootleg HG is bad. I have my own opinion regarding this issue. First, we should know the popular Bootleg companies. There are Gao Gao, TT Hongli, Daban, Dragon Momoko, and Model Comprehend. They said that Gao Gao is the replacement of TT Hongli because it got some problems in the past. The plastic quality has increased but the stickers for HG are still bad. Daban is a different company that has a better plastic quality than Gao Gao. Dragon Momoko is a company that some people said Bandai's sub company. The plastic quality is almost as par as the Bandai and the stickers are good but the polycaps on HG is a little bit harder. And the last is Model Comprehend. It is a third party company that make its own model kits or I can say, just the detailing and proportion.
And for the model kits they made, I observed that Gao Gao has the most variance. It has made some HGUC kits , HG Seed Destiny series, HG 00 series, NG 00 series, NG Seed Destiny series, MG UC series, MG 00 Series, MG Seed/Seed Destiny series, MG Wing series, PG kits and many more. While Daban is focused on the HG Unicorn Series and some MG and PG kits. Dragon Momoko comes with the HG AGE series and some MG kits.

I think it's enough for my first post. Hopefully you can enjoy my reviews and feel free to comment.
See ya! 

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