Friday 10 October 2014

How Could I Like Bootleg Gunpla

Hello guys, this is another story by me. I’d like to tell the story about how can I like bootleg gunpla. So prepare your pillow to make sure you put your head on it when sleepy XD.

I’ll start from the very beginning on how I know gunpla. I often went to a shopping center when I was 10 years old. In the shopping center there was a toys store. Yeah, just an ordinary kids toys like R/C cars, robots and so on. But then I found a bunch of boxes written ‘Gundam’ on it. After that time, I always went to that place to see the gunpla. I didn’t really know about brands or anything. What I know is just it’s a very cool robot and it needed to be assembled. The one I remembered was RX-178 model. It’s like I wanted to have the gunpla but I didn’t know what was it. And after that I just forget it until I grown up.

6 years after that incident, I met a friend in a high school that had so many gunpla in his house. My memory about gunpla started to appear. I got something like a will to have my own gunpla. But that time I didn’t know what model is a good one. So I only admired my friend’s gunpla. Then my other friend gave me an address of a hobby shop in my town that had a relatively cheaper price. But when I looked at the price, it’s still too expensive for me to buy just a toy. So then I never have that will again until I was in university.

In my first year of university, I got a new friend who knew gunpla. And I asked him what gunpla he had. He answered it’s not the original one, it’s a china product. The first thing came in my mind was the gunpla must be easily broken and the shape was not like the original. But then I asked him to bring it and showed me. I still remembered he brought it in an Infinite Justice HG Box. On the inside was a MG 00 Raiser and I was surprised. The item was really good looking. In my whole life I never touched a gunpla and that time I touched the fake one and it felt good. I really liked it. So then I asked him what is this and how to get this. Then he told me about the fake or third party gunpla companies were exist. And his was Daban Model. That incident encouraged me to look over the internet about the fake or bootleg gunpla.

I didn’t know what keyword to be typed in so I just typed ‘gundam model kits’. After that I looked for the Dynames because I liked it and I already watched the anime. Then gave me a result and I looked the pictures and I liked it. But that time I didn’t know about the scale or the grade in gunpla. So I confused of the result shown. There are 2 Dynames that time. So I asked my friend and he told me that the one is HG and another one is NG. So I chose the NG one and I searched it on the well known Indonesia trading center forum. I got the item with price around IDR 140.000 plus shipping cost. So I tried to assemble it and I got so many problems, everything just didn’t want to connect together. But after it’s done, I was proud of myself for finishing my first gunpla.

So yeah, after that time, I always looked over the internet for any information related with bootleg gunpla. And since that time, I dragged down into the bootleg gunpla world. :)

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