Thursday 9 October 2014

Zastie How : Blogging Tools

Hello bootleg lovers, I’d like to share about the answer of a question sent to my email. He asked what tools or software I used to make this blog. So I spared my time to think about it and I tried to list it. Well, this is the result I got.


1. Google Chrome
Of course, we need a browser to do something on the internet. I have Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer in my PC but I just comfortable with Chrome. The bookmarks I have also already synced with my Google account, so it’s easy for me to do something with blogging. Don’t forget that and can use the Google account. So I don’t need to type in my credentials for each site.

2. Microsoft Word
Yep, I prefer write my article on the Word first to directly on the blogger. It’s easier to format and I can do it without internet connection, anytime, anyplace. The formatting in Word also can be implemented on blogger. I only need to finish my article, format it on the Word and then copy it to the blogger.

3. Adobe Photoshop CS6
Photoshop comes in handy when I need to edit the pictures. Usually I use it for watermarking and compressing the pictures. The pictures I took from the camera usually very big sized, so I need to compress it so doesn’t need to take long time to upload. I do the watermarking in this software too. I don’t know any other watermarking software because I haven’t try to search it. So I just prepare my picture and copy it as layer into the pictures I need to watermark. Then I saved it and change the compression to medium so the size is only around 800kb per picture.

4. Dictionary
I used an Indonesian – English dictionary freeware in my PC. As you know, my English is not that good. So sometimes I need to check on the dictionary about some vocabs and spelling of words. This dictionary is very useful.


1. PC
I used a notebook from ASUS, an old type A43S. The spec is enough for me to blog and play some games XD. The battery is already dead though. So I need to find power source to blog.

2. Camera
I don’t have my own camera actually. I borrowed it from my friends. The first I borrowed the Canon digital camera which I forgot the type. The picture produced is very good but the size of the image is so big. So when I compressed it in medium level, it’s still in 1MB size. So I asked my other friend to help me on this. I borrowed my friend’s smartphone. So yeah, sometimes I need to ask him to go to my house to do the photo session. I have a plan to buy my own camera soon so that I don’t need to disturb my friends activity.

So yeah, the question is now answered. If you wanna ask me something just ask or comment in the comment section below. See you guys in the next posts.

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