Friday 10 April 2015

HG 1/144 Blaze Zaku Phantom (Gao Gao / TT Hongli) Review Part 2

Hello bootleg lovers, let’s continue the review to the articulation. As stated on the first part, some parts are tightly snapfitted. Let’s see if that affect the articulation


Of course for being a mono eyed kit, a moving eye gimmick is essential. But we need to take off the helmet first to rotate the eye. The neck is on double ball joints, so the head can go forward and back and rotate freely. Unfortunately it can’t go up at all.


The stomach has a peg joint so that the stomach and the waist can rotate together.
The skirt is pretty moveable. The front skirts connected together by a peg so we can’t separate them. The side skirts can move pretty far.


Each arm has ball joint connected to the body so it can wiggle freely. It also on a peg so that it can rotate all the way around. One problem is, the arms cannot go out from the shoulder. It’s so tight and limited. I think we need to modify it to make it better. The elbow is on a one joint only. The hand can rotate and wiggle.


The legs are on ball joints so they can only split that far. It is okay since the ankle will not support it further.

The knees bend on two joints which is very good. But the hoses are on the way so they will easily pop off. The ankles can move forward and back and side to side a little. They only rotate a bit, though. The foot guards can move up and down. Oh, and the thrusters on the back of the legs also move.

Overall articulation is normal on this kit. Nothing special for Zaku type articulation. So I will give my final verdict and scoring about this kit in part 3. Stay tuned for that

<<PART 1: DETAILS                                                            PART 3: SCORING>>

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