Friday 3 October 2014

HG 1/144 Destiny Gundam (Gao Gao / TT Hongli) Review Part 2

Hello bootleg lovers, let’s continue the review to the articulation. You can see the first part of this review in HG 1/144 Destiny GaoGao Review Part 1. I’ve made a video for this part so we can know clearly how the articulation on this kit but I cannot upload it yet, so let's see the pictures first. Yes, this is an old kit, so the articulation is not that good. So let’s start.


The head has ball joint on the upper neck and a hinge on the bottom neck but it can only go up and down, and rotate, not forward and back.


The torso has no stomach joint, only rotates on the waist. Yes, it can rotate all the way around.


There is a ball joint on each side of the torso that connects with the arm, so it can go forward and up and down on the ball joint. And it rotates 360 degree on the peg joint.

The arm can go up that far only.

It rotates above the elbow but it tends to pop off.
The elbow bend on one point. That’s normal for an old HG. The hand can rotate and wiggle. It’s pretty stiff though.


Front skirts can move separately, the side skirt is on a hinge so it can go out and rotate. The back skirt is stationary though.


The legs only has ball joints to connect to the waist so it only cannot do so much just go forward, pretty nice though and back only a little, because the back skirt hinders it.

Unfortunately the knee which has double joints only bends that much. Yes, the lower joint only do a little bend.

The foot guard can move up and down. The foot has normal ankle joint so it can go up and down on the upper joint, and left and right and rotate on the ball joint.


The backpack is pretty articulated actually. The big wing can move up pretty high. The small wing can move too.

On the base of the wing there are two joints. The first allow the wing to flap and the second can do a little rotation.

The black arms that hold the sword and the cannon can move. It on a ball joint on the base and another ball joint on the other.

So overall articulation is normal on this kit. As expected on an old kit we cannot expect too much. And also the joints are loose on some parts especially on the hinges that don’t use polycaps like the upper ankle. It makes problem of course, because the weight is added by the big backpack so the ankle should be stiff. But don’t worry, this kit is better posed flying and it comes with the stand.  So that’s it about the articulation. And you know what, the review will not be finished on this part. I will give my final verdict and scoring about this kit. So see you in the next review. Feel free to comment :)

<< PART 1: DETAILS                                                            PART 3: SCORING >>

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