Wednesday 8 October 2014

My Favorite MS part 2

Hello bootleg lovers, let’s continue this randomness. And we already got Dynames, Wing Zero and Heavyarms Custom in the first part so what’s coming in this part? Let’s start it.

Actually, beside long ranged MS, I like the RX Gundams. Yep, almost every RX Gundam has almost similar design starts from the head, mechanism and the weapons. But that’s what make it unique. The design of the gundam, engineering part and weapons look conventional. I mean, in this era of sparkly particle things and the futuristic design, this conventional design looks prominent. So let’s start with the 4th favorite MS by me :D Once again, all pictures credited to its owners.

Nu Gundam

Yep, just I said above, I like RX design. The vents, the thrusters, the piston, the hoses, I like them all. I like the navy blue on the body and on the leg. It looks contrast with the white in almost all of the MS. The psychoframe makes the Gundam more powerful. The funnels placed asymmetric makes it unique. The funnels can shoot beams and make a barrier. And one thing that makes it my favorite is the fact that the enemy is Sazabi. The endless battle of Amuro and Char is amazing. I just like it.

Zeta Gundam

Well, although I never watched the anime, I ever see the picture and I like it. The mega launcher looks very unique and very powerful. It is so long and big XD.  Personally I like the design of the head. It looks handsome with the deisgn of the chin. And yes, it can transform into mobile armor and I like the design of it.

GM Sniper K9

Well if the MS in Gundam Build Fighter series considered as MS, I put GM Sniper k9 in my favorite. Yep, I like the military color and design it has. It has the grey chest armor and skirts that makes it more military-ish. The armor looks like the Kevlar wore by soldiers. The light green color combines well with the grey. Once again, sniper is one of my favorite weapons so far. I like the small sniper rifle it has. The design of the handle is unusual, looks like a real sniper rifle. The big sniper rifle is awesome. Although I think it’s too big to be a sniper rifle, it’s still very cool. The dual pistols also very nice. I like the hound backpack. It’s so unique with the soldiers unit inside it. The way Renato brothers do the battle is very strategic, I like it. Unfortunately the EXAM system only appears once and cannot finish the battle.

So yeah, I think I wrote too much in this section. It’s because I really like those MS perhaps. I have so many favorite MS actually but I think these six is enough. I also consider my boredom of seeing the MS. Sometimes I like the MS but when I see it again, I feel different, like the Aile Strike. It’s a good MS but I just cannot put it on my favorite. I kinda bored with the design. It’s implemented on so many gundams. So yeah, how about you guys? What’s your favorite MS? Please feel free to comment and see you on the next posts. :)

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