Wednesday 8 October 2014

My Favorite MS part 1

Hello bootleg lovers, today I’d like to share about my favorite Mobile Suits in Gundam anime series. I can say that my favorite is not like most people do. People usually like the main mecha of each series like Wing Zero on Gundam Wing, Aile Strike on Gundam Seed, Strike Freedom on Seed Destiny, Exia on Gundam 00 and so on. I have my own criteria to choose my favorite but sometimes it didn’t work, because you know, sometimes love doesn’t need reason XD. So, personally I like long ranged MS better than the other, although I can say that the other like dual wielding swords, transformable MS, and so on are pretty good too.

If we look at the long ranged MS, we get so many MS. Maybe there are some MS that I don’t know because I haven’t watch all the anime and even if I watch, I rarely pay attention on mass produced MS. So yeah, this list filled with hero mecha on the series. All pictures credited to its owners.


I just love Dynames since I watched the first appearance in the 1st episode. If you can remember, Dynames shoot the Enacts in the sky from the ground using his sniper and the sniping mechanism that is very cool. Actually I like the design of all gundam in this series, but the sniper and the sensor on the v fin make this gundam so cool. The sniping mechanism on the cockpit also very cool. What more? Dual pistols? GN Full Shield? Ass thrusters? Haro support? I like them all. Without the full shield, it looks agile and with the full shield, it looks badass. So yeah, Dynames comes in first place.

Wing Zero

Well, I think Wing Zero not really a long ranged MS. Yep, almost every battle, he lost his twin badass buster rifle and use the beam saber to finish the battle. But still, Wing Zero is my favorite. I like the overall Gundam design with a lot of thrusters. I like the design of the head better than the old Wing. The twin buster rifle looks very powerful. Yeah, it can destroy the whole colony. And I also like the spinning move while shooting the buster rifle apart. The Neobird mode also very cool with two rifle on each side. I like everything on this MS. And of course the Zero system on the cockpit.

Heavyarms Custom

I think Heavyarms is not a long ranged, he’s mid ranged. Although this MS only appears in the OVA, I still like it so much. Wielding dual gattling gun on each arms while piloted by an insane clown, it looks enormous. Don’t forget the missiles on every part of the gundam and also the quadruple machine gun on the chest. This gundam has so many firepower. But in melee combat, it’s crap. Or maybe just wait till it’s out of ammo. Yes, I think almost all long ranged MS lack of melee weapons. Still, I like it. I like the hefty design on this kit. I like everything on this MS. Of course, because it’s my favorite.

So that’s it for now, I’ll continue this section on part 2.

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