Wednesday 1 October 2014

My Scoring

Hello guys, it’s been 2 weeks since the last post. I got so many tasks to do in my university. So I didn’t have time to make any other review. So in this post I’d like to give the details of each aspect in my scoring. Of course the scoring is done by me myself but I tried to be as objective as possible. For instance, I don’t like roundish design I can still say it is good. Also if the design of the head is terrible although the kit is my favorite, I will say it is terrible.

The scoring aspects below are taken from bootleg point of view. So we are not talking about the original has done such as design, color scheme, and so on. But we are talking about what the bootleg brands have done such as the flaw they made, the misshape compared to the original and so on
So let’s start ;)

1. Mold
In this part I will discuss about the quality of the mold like the excess plastic and the misshaped parts. So the better the score, the less the excess plastic and defect on the kit.

2. Color
For me color is a sensitive thing. So I will never say that green is good and red is bad. I will discuss the color accuracy whether it is par with the original or not.

3. Detail
Detail here is not about how is the design of the detail in this kit, whether it has so many plain part or vice versa. The detail here is about how good the detail compared to the Bandai one. Because, as we know, bootleg kits will always have wider panel line compared to Bandai also some of them are not same between left and right and so on.

4. Snapfit
Well I decided to name it snapfit rather than pushfit because in scoring, it is better to give positive name. We will get confused if I named it pushfit and the score is 7/10. Is it good pushfit? If yes, that means it is hard to snap? Yeah, so I decided to name it snapfit. Here I will rate the ease of the snapfit. The better the score, the easier the snapfit.

5. Sticker
In this part I will discuss the quality of the sticker whether the quality of the tint is good or not and the color representation is correct or not. I will not discuss about the cutting because luck is our best friend in buying bootleg products. Yes, sometimes we get a perfectly cut sticker. Actually we can check it first on the shop if the shopkeeper allowed us to do so and change with the better one.

6. Face mask
Well for Gao Gao this is not a good aspect. They will have so many points lose on this aspect. They never make it well for HG line. For other brand like Dragon Momoko and Daban they made it well.

7. Stiffness
This part will contain the stiffness of the joints and the parts solidity. Parts solidity is about the part whether easily popped off or not. And the stiffness is about the loose part.

8. Articulation
This part is only about the conclusion of articulation review I’ve done in the 2nd part. So it's about the range of motion the kit has.

9. Playability
playability is about the numbers of weapon and accessories included in the kit. So with many weapons and gimmick, the playability score will be higher.

10. Finishing
Usually normal finishing are just doff or matte, semi gloss and gloss. But bootleg brands like Gao Gao love to combine them. So I will give the information whether the kit has full gloss or only some parts and so on. This section will not be included in scoring, because finishing is just a matter of preference.

The score will be 1-10 for each aspect except finishing. Then the scores will be averaged and the result will be the overall score of the kit.

So yeah, that’s all the aspects that will be included in part 3 of each review. So stay tuned for the next posts. See ya later.

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