Thursday 9 October 2014

Zastie How : Blogging Process Part 1

Hello guys, in this post I’d like to share about how I make the review section in this blog. I will give the step to step of how I work on this blog. Actually it’s just the same as other blogger I think. So let’s start.

1. Buy the gunpla
Of course, before do anything else, I need to buy the gunpla I need to review. Yeah, so every gunpla you see in my review is a fresh made. I choose the gunpla randomly. So the one I bought is not really my favorite. I just want to review it and that’s it. So in this blog I’d like to give the reviews of all HG bootleg gunpla mainly from Gao Gao, Dragon Momoko and Daban.

2. Take Pictures 1
After I buy the gunpla, I cannot  build it directly. I need to take the pictures of the boxart and the contents. Then I take the pictures of the runner one by one using my mobile phone camera. I need to wait for a daylight to make a better picture because my phone camera is not that good and I don’t have enough lighting in my room.

3. Build 1
So yeah, now the time to build the gunpla. I will make a post about how I build my gunpla later. When assembling, I take notes of some problems I encounter in the building process. Yes, I need to do it because bootleg gunpla always have problems and the customer need to know that before they buy, so I tried to explain as detail as possible in my review. I only build per part. I didn’t join them together if the parts are not in a safely detached joint. Sometimes HG bootleg has this kind of problems in the hip ball joint. The joint sometimes is very hard to be joined together and when we want to detach it, it’s broken.

4. Take Pictures 2
The building process will take about 4 hours normally. And after that I can take the pictures part by part so the details of each part can be easily noticed. I also do it in a daylight and usually I used my friend’s camera to get a better result.

5. Assemble 2
After the parts pictured, I can join them together to form a new life XD. Yeah, I put everything on and the gunpla build is done! We can modified it if we want to though. But for a review, I’d like to make it as fresh as possible, no modification at all. And sometimes I admire it and imagine what pose should I do to this gunpla

6. Take Pictures 3
In this section I take the pictures of the completed kit. First I take the standing pose without any accessories attached. Then I take the one with action poses and accessories. Usually I use the white background for every photo session. I also wait for a daylight. So I have a plan to make my own mini studio so that I don’t need to wait for a daylight again if I want to take pictures. Waiting a daylight is the most wasting time process in this review. Yes, because I need to wait 1 more day if the previous photo sessions finished at 4PM.

So yeah, it’s still in the middle of the process. let’s continue to the part 2.

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