Thursday 9 October 2014

Zastie How : Blogging Process Part 2

So this is the “Blogging Process Part 2”. Let’s continue to the 7th point.

7. Picture Editing
After the photo session, I need to edit the pictures. What I need to edit is not the detail or the brightness but the size and watermark. So the pictures we see in this blog is purely from the camera. I only edit the compression level and give the watermark. For the editing I used Adobe Photoshop CS6. I already make a post of the tools and software I used for blogging. First I rename the pictures name to make it easy to be recognized. Then I open my watermark and the pictures in the PS. After that I copy the watermark as layer to all of the pictures. Then I save it to JPEG format in level 7 compression. So each picture usually has about 500 until 800 kb size.

8.Take Video
This process will be done to make the 2nd part of the review, articulation. I used my friend’s smartphone camera and just shoot the video. Usually I done it in one take. I also wait for a daylight to make the video so that the brightness is good enough. I do some editing if there is unnecessary part happens in the video. Because the video is only about the articulation, it only takes 5 minutes to do.

9. Write in Word
I used Microsoft Word to make the article. The time I spend for this process is not the same for each review. Sometimes I do it in my room, sometimes I do it in the middle of a class XD. Yes, I do love writing although my writing skill is just like a normal people. In this process I write and format the article. Then I insert the pictures needed in this article so that I can easily choose the right picture when I post it on the blog. Usually I make the only the title of the review and I leave it like that while doing another thing.

10. Blog it!
The last process to be done is the blogging itself. I need to copy the article from my Word without the picture and then paste it on the word editor in the blogger. Then I upload the pictures and wait until the process done. After that I choose the pictures to be added on each paragraph. Then I do the formatting on the blog like the alignment, the color for each point, the reference link and so on. After that I label it to make it sorted in the categories and just simply click the preview button to make sure everything is okay. After that I publish the article either directly or scheduled. Sometimes I do the scheduled publication to make sure I still post everyday when I don’t have time to do it.

So yeah, that’s how I make this blog. A very lengthy process isn’t it? But I really enjoy it. I like sharing information to other. So please give your feedback in the comment below and see you guys in the next posts. Thank you for reading J

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