Wednesday 25 March 2015

HG 1/144 Gundam X Maoh (Huiyan Model) Review Part 2

Hello bootleg lovers, let’s continue the review to the articulation. As we know before, the polycaps are soft and perfectly fit. So what we expect is the joints are not too stiff like Gao Gao kits.


The neck is double ball jointed so the head can go up pretty far, down, forward and back. It also rotates all the way around


There are joints on the side of the torso for the shoulders so that they can move forward. The stomach has a ball joint so it can move a little bit. The waist also ball jointed and it’s pretty stiff enough so you won’t pop the body off when you move it.


The arms are on ball joints so they can rotates all the way around and wiggle a bit. The upper arms can rotate just like any other HG. The elbow is on a one joint only. The hands are loose as I said before.


The front skirts are connected together but you can separate them, they are on ball joints. The side skirt is on a hinge. The back skirt doesn’t move at all.


There is a separate joint form the waist so the legs can move up and down and forward and back separate from the waist. The legs are on ball joints and can split so far but the ankles cannot support it.

The knees only one jointed. The foot guards can wiggle a bit. The foot has normal ankle joint so it can go up and down on the upper joint, and side to side and rotate a bit on the ball joint.

So overall articulation is normal on this kit. It’s not amazing but it supports the shooting pose nicely. Everything is not too stiff which will make us forget that it is a bootleg. So that’s it about the articulation. I will give my final verdict and scoring about this kit. So stay tuned for that.

<<PART 1: DETAILS                                                            PART 3: SCORING>>

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